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The Survival Forum
The Survival Forum offers you a place to ask questions about emergency preparedness, survival equipment and outdoors gear. Whether you are experienced or just starting, we welcome you to our community.
Crowdfunded Smart Watch PLB - Scam or Dangerously Naive? As appealing as the idea of an affordable ($179) smart watch personal locator beacon (PLB) might be, a recently publicized Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign that has garnered a fair amount of press would seem to be either an outright scam or dangerously naive. While many crowdfunding campaigns' funding goals and delivery promises need be taken with a grain of salt, read why we believe this one looks to require a dump truck load.
REVIEW: A Pair of Surefire EDC Flashlights That Won't Break the Bank Surefire has been synonymous with high-performance, high-end flashlights, but you'd never accuse them of being particularly affordable. Surfire has upended expectations with its new 1xAAA Titan and Titan Plus flashlights, both in terms of price and EDC performance.Get all the details on these new EDC flashlights from Surefire.
Lessons Learned: I Never Want To Be This Cold Again Stuart Bell was just going to spend an hour snowshoeing in Colorado, but things didn't go as planned. It was a very cold night...Stuart tells his tale and then analyzes what went wrong and what he might have done different. Doug Ritter then also takes a look at the survival experience and offers up some of his own advice.
Leatherman Tread Moves EDC Multi-tool in New Direction Leatherman's Tread takes the concept of an EDC (Every Day Carry) multi-tool in an entirely new direction with virtually unlimited potential.The Tread's 25 tools ingeniously incorporated into the links of a stainless bracelet may be almost as revolutionary as Tim Leatherman's original Pocket Survival Tool
BriarTek Patent Claims On Popular 2-Way Distress Beacons Invalidated Updated December 3, 2014: Click for Update BriarTek's patent claims related to 2-way Satellite Emergency Notification Devices (SENDs) have been invalidated in a federal court ruling that granted summary judgement to Delorme. BriarTek's patent claims threatened to strangle expansion and innovation is this increasingly popular distress beacon market. At best, the patent claims would increase the cost of the devices for consumers, which inevitably discourage purchase and their subsequent use to save lives. You can read the whole sordid story and review the Judge's ruling here.
ACR vs DME SATRO PLB: DME Loses Final judgment is in on ACR's lawsuit against DME and its design consultants alleging that they misappropriated ACR trade secrets and documents and incorporated them into DME's SATRO PLB. In a Stipulated Judgment and Permanent Injunction issued on January 15, 2013, DME lost big time.Get all the details on this story and find out why you'll never be able to buy a DME SATRO PLB.
Hurricane Sandy - Lessons Learned Sandy left a path of destruction in her wake and numerous The Survival Forum members got first hand experience dealing with the aftermath. The have started posting the lessons they learned. Lessons we could all learn from. Join the discussion or read what they are posting. We'll start you off with an excellent "Notes from Sandy" thread, but check out the other threads in the Natural Disasters & Large-Scale Emergencies section of The Survival Forum on ETS.
After 13 Years Life Raft Aerospace Standard AS1356 Published! Call me persistent, call me stubborn, call me crazy--what started as a small evaluation of aviation life rafts nearly 20 years ago during which I uncovered serious deficiencies has finally resulted in a new and vastly improved SAE Aerospace Standard for aviation life rafts, AS1356. Check out this story 13 years in the making.
Tenth Edition of ETS Survival News Published ETS Survival News is an irregularly published compendium of news (usually published on March 32) related to survival, survival gear and search and rescue. Please check out ETS Survival News
Delorme Introduces inReach - First 2-way Consumer SEND Delorme has announced their long-awaited two-way satellite messaging device, the inReach. Unlike Delorme's first SEND, which was a SPOT product that utilizes the Globalstar satellite system one-way messaging capability, inReach works on the Iridium system that provides full two-way communication, with obvious benefits. Get a first look at this new and exciting product that may change wilderness communications forever.
SEND Standard Approved by RTCM - Is COSPAS-SARSAT On Endangered List? Following from an ETS call to action, RTCM has approved the world's first standard for Satellite Emergency Notification Devices (SENDs), such as SPOT. This represents the first major step in ensuring that end users can have confidence that they will get rescued using these new distress alerting devices It may also be the beginning of the end of COSPAS-SARSAT unless that moribund organization wakes up.
Spot Recalls SPOT Satellite Communicator Spot LLC has issued a product recall on the SPOT Satellite Communicator which is bundled and sold exclusively with the DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w. The problem is that messages may not be transmitted, including requests for help or emergency assistance, when the SPOT Satellite Communicator is used at lower temperatures. This will be the secodn recall of a SPOT device in just over a year. More information and a link to the Spot recall notice.
ETS Joins Coalition to Save Our GPS Equipped to Survive Foundation has joined the newly formed Coalition to Save Our GPS, which is opposed to the unusual and unsound waiver by the FCC for LightSquared to use its satellite spectrum for high-powered ground-based broadband transmissions that may interfere with GPS signals before testing has determined that it is safe to do so. Read about the Coalition to Save Our GPS and what you can do to help.
SHOT Show 2011 Report There's a new SHOT Show logo this year, but the Sands Expo Center still sucks, although somewhat less, but there's no shortage of cool new gear. This year we are trying something new. ETS reporters will post their reports to the ETS Forum. Check out the exciting and, occasionally, weird, gear we found this year at SHOT Show.
New ACR ResQLink PLB - Smallest & Lightest PLB Yet
It's been a long time coming, but we just got a brief firsthand look at ACR Electronics' new ResQLink 406 MHz PLB which lays claim to the "world's smallest and lightest" PLB title. Take a look at ACR's answer to the groundbreaking McMurdo FastFind 210 and discover if it's been worth the wait.
Film Review: 127 Hours It's difficult to make a suspenseful film when it's about a true story and everyone knows the ending. That was the challenge in the film 127 Hours, the story of Aron Ralston, who in 2003, his hand pinned under a boulder in a remote desert canyon, had to cut off part of his arm to free himself. Read Wil Milan's review to find out if this is a film worth seeing.
We Get our Replacement for Recalled SPOT 2 The replacement for my recalled SPOT 2 has arrived. When I unpacked the padded envelope I found a few surprises. Turns out they did more than just fix the battery life indicator. Get the details here.
SPOT and DeLorme Unveil Handheld GPS with Satellite Communicator At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Spot LLC, and well-known GPS manufacturer DeLorme announced the world's first handheld GPS and satellite communicator product. The DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w with SPOT Satellite Communicator will be the first handheld GPS capable of sending user inputted real time text messages from remote locations. Review the press release and photo of the new DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w with SPOT Satellite Communicator.
Equipped To Survive Foundation 2009 Recap As 2009 comes to a close, we are pleased to report that your generous contributions have again helped us make a difference. 2009 was a busy year for the Equipped To Survive Foundation and its Executive Director, Doug Ritter, with some significant accomplishments to record. Read a summary of all that's be done in the past year, along with some hints about what to expect in 2010.
Second Generation SPOT Recall Announced SPOT LLC has issued what they are calling a "Voluntary Return Program" for their recently released second generation SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger which even they are now referring to as "SPOT 2." If you own a second generation SPOT, you need to check to see if your SPOT 2 needs to be exchanged for a new unit. Get the details here.
Follow-up Hands-on Report - Second Generation SPOT Turns out the first sample we received wasn't a production SPOT 2 after all and wasn't waterproof in the least. We have now received another SPOT 2 and have dunked this one with better results--sort of. Read what we discovered after dunking SPOT 2 to its rated depth, as well as a few other interesting discoveries.
A Preventable Tragedy The tragedy of the three college softball players who were trapped in their vehicle and drowned in a pond on Sunday was totally preventable, if only someone had equipped them to survive. All it takes is having the right tool on your keychain.
Initial Hands-on Report - Second Generation SPOT We finally got our hands on one of the new second generation SPOT Satellite GPS Messengers. While we haven't been able to truly wring it out, a few days of playing with SPOT have given us a feel for both the improvements and other areas we weren't quite as impressed with. Check out our initial impression of SPOT 2.
Lifeline Ultralight Survival Kit vs. AMK Pocket Survival Pak Lifeline's new Ultralight Survival Pak was recently introduced with a similar form factor to the AMK PSP and a lower price. Terrill Hoffman suggests that "if you're going to make a kit that looks like your competitor's, be prepared for a side by side comparison." Terrill takes an independent look at the new Lifeline kit and answers the question, is it worth worth betting your life on?
Second Generation SPOT Introduced SPOT introduced their second generation "SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger" at Outdoor Retailer Summer Market. 30% smaller and lighter, the new SPOT appears to address many of the deficiencies we found in the original SPOT. We take a look at the specifications and improvements in our preview of SPOT 2.
McMurdo Fast Find PLB Initial Evaluation While the economy has made it hard to raise funds for expensive testing, we haven't allowed it to stop us. Using a bit of good old American ingenuity, we have finished up our initial evaluation of McMurdo's new smaller, cheaper Fast Find PLB. Is the new Fast Find worth betting your life on? We've got the answer.
UST Resumes Shipping StarFlash Ultra Signal Mirrors Ultimate Survival Technologies has resumed shipping its StarFlash Ultra signal mirror. UST claims that "the Ultra mirror will...perform as an emergency signal mirror - wet or dry." Review our take on the stuation and results of our tests.
Visual Distress Signals Tested By BoatU.S. Foundation BoatU.S. Foundation has published results from their recent tests of visual distress signaling devices, primarily pyrotechnic flares, but also including a few non-pyrotechnic visual distress signals. Their results generally confirm our experience and recommendations, but we did find a few things to pick nits over.
Satellite Testing of Your 406 MHz Beacon Has Arrived One of the frustrating parts of owning a 406 MHz EPIRB, PLB or ELT has been that it is nearly impossible for the average consumer to actually test their beacon, at least affordably. SafeLife Systems believes they have the answer and want your help to wring out their new 406 Beacon Test System. Find out how to particpate in a Beta Test Program, get a free beacon test and a discount on their SafeTrip and 406 beacon testing services.
New McMurdo FAST FIND PLBs - Smaller, Lighter & Cheaper
McMurdo announced their new generation PLBs at the Miami International Boat Show and they are significantly smaller, lighter and cheaper than the competition. Check out why these new FAST FIND PLBs could be game changers in the PLB market.
ACR Announces Three New PLBs
ACR Electronics announced new PLBs at SHOT Show that are evolutionary versions of the current MicrOFix design. One has no GPS, two have improved GPS and added features. See where ACR is taking their PLB line and whether it makes sense to consider an upgrade when they become available this summer.
The New Swiss Army Knife
The Swiss army has entered the new millennium with a new issue Swiss Army Knife. Victorinox won the competition and we get our first look at what Swiss soldiers will be carrying into the future. See what all the fuss is about as we put the new SAK through its paces.
Limited Recall of ACR GlobalFix iPRO EPIRBs ACR Electronics has issued a recall on their recently introduced GlobalFix iPRO EPIRB. ACR says the recall is limited to no more than 400 units within a specified serial number range. If you have purchased an ACR GlobalFix iPRO EPIRB, review this information to determine if your EPIRB is involved and how to get the EPIRB fixed.
WARNING: Phony Glass Signal Mirrors A number of military, survival and outdoor gear distributors have recently introduced bogus glass signal mirrors, made in Taiwan, to the U.S. market. The mirrors look virtually identical to functional glass signal mirrors at first glance, but the retro-reflective mesh aimer is fake and does not work. Get all the details, including illustrations of how to make sure your glass signal mirror is real.
Skyblazer XLT Flares - SAFETY NOTICE - UPDATED Nov. 25, 2008 Orion Safety Products has LIFTED their QUARANTINE on Skyblazer XLT aerial flares. Orion has now completed testing and determined that when used according to instructions, they are safe. They have issued new labels with updated instructions. If you are a Skyblazer XLT owner, review this information before use and email to get your FREE revised labels.
September is National Preparedness Month - Are you? I'm not sure whether to be cheered that we have a National Preparedness Month, or depressed. I'd like to believe everyone would take the commonsense effort to be ready for whatever comes our way. On the other hand, that probably isn't a very realistic expectation. Are you prepared?
Cool New Gear at Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2008 Once again there were a few very interesting surprises at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market show. In an effort to speed up the process, I'm going to publish this review of new products in stages over the next few days.We start with a look at the coolest new product I found and a new compact one-handed firestarter. Additonal NEW GEAR has been added!
What Price Your Life? Distress Alerting as a Commercial Service ETS Foundation Chairman and Executive Director Doug Ritter gave a presentation at the RTCM Annual Conference that served as a shot across the bow for commercial distress alerting services such as SPOT. Traditional distress alerting measures its ROI in "lives saved," not dollars earned. It's not that Doug opposes commercial distress alerting, but listen to Doug's presentation to find out why this should matter to you, as well as to them.
A Better PLB Standard Approved With participation and encouragement from ETS Foundation Chairman and Executive Director Doug Ritter, RTCM has produced a much improved PLB standard. Ever since the first ETS Foundation 406 MHz Beacon Testing revealed significant shortcomings, Doug has been pushing for better standards. Review what's changed and improved in the revised RTCM PLB standard.
Equipped Briefs Return We have reintroduced Equipped Briefs to allow us to to present short reviews of new survival related gear in a more timely fashion than our more involved evaluations, but with more information than might be included in an Blog entry. These brief reviews are authored by ETS contributors with expertise in a particular area. To inaugarate the new Equipped Briefs, we have reviews of the Nova Tac EDC series LED Flashlights and Adventure Medical Kits' S.O.L. survival kit.
Two New Disaster Preparedness Books Two of my favorite survival instructors and authors have new books out, both dealing with the timely subject of disaster preparedness. The two books compliment each other nicely, each focuses on a different element of the preparedness solution. Buy both and follow their advice; start your new year off right by equipping yourself and your family to survive.
We Put the TracMe Homing Beacon To The Test
We've had a TracMe demo kit and some production TracMe beacons to test and it's time to render a preliminary verdict. There are two primary questions that need answering. First; does it work, or more precisely, does it perform as represented by the manufacturer and will it meet consumers' expectations? Read what we found out about using the Trac-Me and what the answers are to those questions. Second; does it have value as a means to save lives? Also, in related news, in our Blog we note that TracMe is opposing the FCC's request that they stop calling it a Personal Locator Beacon.
NTSB to FAA: Require 406 MHz ELTs In a rather timely Safety Recommendation from the NTSB to the FAA (one wonders if the Steve Fossett incident had anything to do with its release just now), the NTSB has once again recommended that the FAA require all aircraft to have 406 MHz ELTs. They first recommended this back in 2000 and after vigorous opposition by AOPA, the FAA declined to do so. The NTSB also recommended that this be required to be done by the February 1, 2009 end of 121.5 MHz satellite alerting. Doug Ritter takes a look at some of the issues and offers some opinions on his Blog.
SPOT Satellite Messenger Debuts at Outdoor Retailer
SPOT Inc., a subsidiary of Globalstar, introduced its subscription-based SPOT Satellite Messenger which is being promoted as a multi-purpose tool that can used as a distress beacon as well as providing options to request help without a full blown Search and Rescue response. It can also be used to notify friends, family or associates that you are okay and as a means to track your location. Join us as we take a preliminary First Look to see if we're willing to consider betting our life on SPOT at this juncture.
Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2007 Report In years past, Outdoor Retailer hasn't been a particularly fertile ground for us, SHOT Show is generally where the big influx of new gear comes that's of interest. However, this year there were quite a few interesting new products in Salt Lake. Take a look at what Doug found at Outdoor Retailer.
FCC to TracMe: It's Not A Personal Locator Beacon It has been discovered that the Federal Communications Commission has substantially supported Doug Ritter's position regarding TracMe Beacons Pty Ltd misrepresenting their device as a Personal locator Beacon and demanded they stop using the term. Because documents may take up to 30 days to be posted on the FCC site, this explains why these were not discovered until just now. What isn't explained is why TracMe didn't disclose this and instead defended their use of the term even after they had received the FCC email a month ago. Read further details and view the FCC email.
That's No Personal Locator Beacon! The recent introduction of the TracMe Personal Locator Beacon is causing confusion among consumers. If you are thinking of buying one to serve as your distress beacon...DON'T! Doug Ritter examines the issues involved and explains why this misleading name could end up killing people. Doug reviews the critical differences between a real 406 MHz PLB and this homing beacon. TracMe may well have a place in the effort to save lives, but in Doug's opinion using the PLB name is not a good idea. Read Doug's commentary and you decide if TracMe is doing the right thing.
ACR Puts PLBs on a Diet: New MicroFix & ResQFix
ACR Electronics chose SHOT Show to debut their long anticipated PLB-300 MicroFix / ResQFix 406 Personal Locator Beacons. ACR claims these are the world's smallest PLB with built in GPS, weighing in at under 10 oz. They also addressed a lot of other issues we've had with prior PLB designs. There was also good news for those looking to buy a capable PLB on a budget. We take a first look at this new PLB and the surprising pricing news from ACR.
Knife Rights Advocacy Organization Formed Knives are among man's oldest tools and an essential tool even today. Knife Rights, Inc., a non-profit advocacy organization, has been formed by Doug Ritter to oppose efforts to restrict knife ownership and carry. Yes, the "Anti's" really do want to take away our knives.
Find out more about Knife Rights and why YOU should Join TODAY! (opens a new browser window)
Survivor Credits Equipped To Survive A climber who was stranded on a cliff in Big Bend National Park used his 406 MHz Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) to signal his distress and get rescued. He credits Equipped To Survive for informing him about the PLB that saved his life.
Rescue Laser Flare Review Updated 12/2006 When we first saw Greatland Laser's prototype "Rescue Laser Flare" in 1999 we were greatly impressed as it seemed to herald a significant improvement in nighttime signaling. Over the years there have been significant improvements, including adding a Green Rescue Laser to the mix.Our updated review takes a look at the latest versions of this distress signal.
Lessons Learned from the Kim Family The Kim family's survival story and the tragedy of the loss of the father has captured the attention of the nation this past week. No matter how heroic his effort to save his family, it didn't have to end this way. Every tragedy like this is the result of multiple missed opportunities to prevent it from happening. Intercede at any point and tragedy is averted. Doug Ritter examines those missed opportunities so you can avoid a tragic ending.
We Put Gerber's Hinderer Rescue Knife to the Test The trouble with many so-called "Rescue" knives is that they don't work nearly as well as they should, or could, in the real world. Knifemaker and firefighter Rick Hinderer designed his own solution, Gerber produced it and we asked our resident firefighter and paramedic to test it. Read what Alan Romania has to say about the new Hinderer Rescue Knife.
September is National Preparedness Month The question is, are you prepared? Are you a member of the Church of Preparedness? By that, I mean, have you prepared to either shelter in place or evacuate with adequate survival gear and supplies if a disaster, natural or man-made strikes? The tragedies of Katrina and September 11 are still vivid in our memory, but has it motivated you to do anything? Preparedness is everyone's personal responsibility, as ETS Editor Doug Ritter notes in his commentary on National Preparedness Month.
New Leatherman Tools and Hunting Knives
Exclusive first look at new and revised Leatherman Charge models, as well as the recently announced Leatherman Hunting Knives. The latest Charge model is a response to what consumers have been asking for. The new hunting knives are unique in many ways, proof that new management at Leatherman is thinking outside of the box.
Check out the newest Leathermans.
ETS Foundation Efforts Inspire Improved Standards for Emergency Beacons Some of the most critical Recommendations in the Equipped To Survive Foundation's ground-breaking first report on 406 MHz Location Protocol (GPS) Emergency Beacons were a call for better standards more closely related to real-world use. See how your contributions allow Doug Ritter to push for these revised COSPAS-SARSAT standards that go a long way toward ensuring that these beacons will work as expected when lives are at stake.
Second GPS-equipped 406 MHz Distress Beacon Evaluation In 2004 ETS completed a ground breaking evaluation of GPS-equipped 406 MHz Emergency Beacons. Notable deficiencies were uncovered. Now ETS has completed a second round of testing, including upgraded versions of the beacons that didn't perform well the first time. See how well McMurdo's upgraded beacons performed, as well as ACR's new PLB with integrated GPS. The full report of the first evaluation is also now available.
We Look at Kel-Tec's SU-16 for Wilderness Survival The Kel-Tec SU-16 line of folding stock .223 rifles are a fairly new option for those seeking a lightweight, compact, mid-range wilderness survival firearm. Ed Whiting puts the SU-16 through its paces and reports on what he found.
A Needless Death? Many mourn the untimely death of Rocky Mountain National Park Ranger, Jeff Christensen. Equipped To Survive Foundation's Doug Ritter asks why he and other rangers have not been equipped with a 406 MHz Personal Locator Beacon. PLBs would save lives and taxpayer's money. Doug suggests it's time to deploy this proven and affordable lifesaver to the guardians of our nation's natural heritage, before another tragedy occurs.
ETS Foundation Commended by NBSAC Equipped To Survive Foundation has been commended by the National Boating Safety Advisory Council in a resolution presented by Vice-Commandant of the Coast Guard, Vice Admiral Terry Cross. ETS Foundation, BoatUS Foundation and West Marine have been recognized for their efforts that identified the deficiencies in GPS performance of some McMurdo emergency beacons.
Tarp-Shelters - An Introduction The tarp is the epitome of a basic shelter, but that hardly means it is limited in how it can be used. David B. Macpherson provides an excellent introduction to the subject. There's a wealth of information on their use and construction, covering everything from the most basic immediate action shelter to sophisticated multifaceted structures. Review the multitudes of shelters that can be created from a simple tarp.
NOAA Opens Online 406 MHz Beacon Registration NOAA's online United States 406 MHz Beacon Registration Database is finally operational. This online registration capability will be a boon to both 406 MHz PLB, ELT and EPIRB owners and to the SAR forces that go out to rescue them. Read about the many advantages online registration offers..
Lights Out Wake Up Call The recent blackout to hit the Eastern U.S. and Canada served as a wake up call for many. A little emergency preparedness effort can go a long way towards illuminating the darkness. Let Equipped To Survive guide you in preparing for these sorts of widespread, short term urban emergencies. Review our Disaster Preparedness section today.
Survival Stories Are Key To ETS Goal - Saving Lives The recent brouhaha involving Aron Ralston serves as a reminder as to why Equipped To Survive exists. Damn near anything can happen out there and survival stories are a big part of how we learn and how we encourage people to be Equipped To Survive Doug shares a few thoughts on the subject of survival stories.
Evaluations of Eight Personal Survival Kits It is spring cleaning time and we've cleared the desk, adding eight new commercial personal survival kit (PSK) reviews, including some of the best we've seen to date:
· There are five new reviews of Personal/Pocket Size Survival Kits.
· There are three new reviews of One-Person Belt Pouch/Cargo Pocket Size Survival Kits.
Care Package and Equipment Suggestions for Deployed Military Doug Ritter has been asked what our deployed service members would find useful in a "Care Package" or as better-than-issued equipment. Here's an annotated list of what will be most appreciated, gleaned from those who have "been there, done that," as well as better gear recommendations.
Doug Ritter's Evaluation of READY.GOV Now that the government's Department of Homeland Security has made its terrorism preparedness suggestions on their READY.GOV Web site, Doug Ritter has evaluated their preparedness checklists. You might not be too surprised to learn that Doug has found them wanting in some respects.
Water Or Trees? Given the choice in a forced landing, is it better to choose trees or water? Paul Bertorelli has the answer, and it might not be as clear cut as you expect. See what Paul's research turned up.
The Life Raft: Don't Leave Your Ship Without It Renowned marine survival authority and author Steven Callahan, a survivor of 76 days adrift himself, shares some insights about what to expect from a life raft. All life rafts are a compromise, Callahan offers some thoughts on these compromises from his unique perspective.
Lessons Learned: So Near, Yet So Far You don't need to be stranded a hundred miles from civilization to find yourself in a survival situation. Chris Kavanaugh found himself stranded on an island within view of one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. Chris tells the story of how he and four others were stranded and how he relied on basic survival skills and equipment to survive and signal for rescue. Doug Ritter analyzes how Chris and his companions did and the lessons learned.
LED Flashlight Review We gathered up all the white LED flashlights we could find, and some other colors as well, and now present Equipped To Survive's humongous LED Flashlight Review. You'll find both single and multi-LED lights, from pocket size on up to 24 LED monsters. Read all about the the best and the worst in this hot new product category.
Lessons Learned: Sailing to Hawaii...The First Attempt After two years' fastidious preparations, he thought he was prepared. Arnold Rowe recounts the story of his ill-fated voyage to Hawaii, replete with equipment failures, medical problems and a helicopter rescue by the Coast Guard. Images from video clips of the rescue included! Doug Ritter analyzes what went right and what went wrong. Rowe's real life experience also validates some findings from the Marine Life Raft Tests.
Survival Gear For An Air Race Simon T was entered in the London To Sydney Air Race. ETS Editor Doug Ritter's job was to make sure he was Equipped To Survive. With weight a major concern and diverse environmental requirements, that made for quite a challenge. Read all about Simon's custom built and assembled survival gear and supplies.
Stay Alive Survival Simulator ETS is pleased to present this innovative Survival Simulator that was developed as an independent student project for the ThinkQuest competition. While somewhat simplistic, it does get you thinking about a myriad of survival issues and it is entertaining. Have a go at it and see if you know how to Stay Alive.
Aviation Life Raft Review 2000 This is the most comprehensive review of aviation rafts ever published. Check out the life rafts: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
Lessons Learned: A Long Wet Night It was nighttime and raining when Ray Clamback successfully ditched 300 miles northeast of Hawaii. But for some extraordinary good luck they might well have perished. This narrative, based on interviews with the survivors and U.S. Coast Guard pilots, tells the story of that ditching and survival experience and analyses the lessons learned.
Abandon Ship Bag Recommendations  ETS takes a detailed look at what equipment and supplies should be included in an Abandon Ship Bag. More than just a list, this article provides the information you need to set priorities and make decisions about what to include.
"A Question Of Survival" Two wilderness aircraft crashes. The pilots in both survive the crash. But, two very different endings--one lives, the other dies. William Waldock examines the question: Why the difference?
Multi-Media International Plagiarises ETS Material
Multi-Media International of New York City has plagiarized significant amounts of copyrighted work from the Equipped To Survive Web site; click for more information on this theft Numerous others have also apparently been ripped off my MMI; read the linked material before doing business with these thieves.
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